As Experilabs, we focus on developing industry-leading technology solutions and innovative software. We aim to facilitate business processes and increase productivity by providing effective and user-friendly solutions tailored to the needs of our customers. With our experienced team, we strive to provide you with the most up-to-date and reliable services in the ever-evolving technology world.
We would like to introduce you the products we have developed based on the experiences we have gained and the needs we have listened to.


The mobile way to stay in touch and interact with your staff!

 wForce is an interaction mobile application primarily designed to increase the loyalty of company employees, strengthen internal communication and ensure that company announcements reach employees on time.
  It will ensure that company employees are aware of every event and announcement that takes place in your company, you will be able to instantly reach and receive feedback from your staff working in the field or in the operation area, and it will support the increase of belonging to your company and the adoption of your corporate culture. At the same time, you can get the opinions of your employees with feedback modules such as surveys.
  With its easy-to-use management panel, multilingual support and tenant-based working logic, you can use the same solution for multiple subsidiaries.

wForce - Çalışanlarınızla iletişim ve etkileşinin en kolay hali